Children on the move

Protect orphans in Cox's Bazar

Thousands of children live in life-threatening conditions in the world's largest refugee camp in Bangladesh. They need protection, safety and access to school. And they need help to process the violent experiences they had before and during their flight to safety.

A brutal genocide has driven nearly one million Rohingya to flee to neighboring Bangladesh. Most now live in Cox's Bazar - the world's largest refugee camp.  Getty Images

A brutal genocide has driven nearly one million Rohingya to flee to neighboring Bangladesh. Most now live in Cox's Bazar - the world's largest refugee camp. Getty Images

Orphans left to fend for themselves

Orphans left to fend for themselves

Life in Cox's Bazar is not for children. Yet over half a million children live in the crowded refugee camp.

Many of the children are orphans and are in desperate need of places where they can stay in safety. But access to child-friendly areas and school is severely limited in the camp, and this critical situation was further exacerbated when a massive fire broke out on 5 March 2023, razing 21 schools to the ground.

The majority of children carry severe trauma from before and during their flight. They have witnessed their homes go up in flames and witnessed parents, siblings and friends being killed – horrific images that they need help to process

Sumitra Mukherjee

How you can help the children of Cox's Bazar

DRC facilitates children's spaces with room for play, learning and lots of care. But the need is enormous and we lack funding for the effort.

By sending help, you ensure that orphaned children are protected and that they receive schooling and the trauma counseling they have needed for so long.

For €27, we can provide a child with protection and six months of schooling.

For €54, we can give a child protection and a full year of schooling.

For €98, we can provide a child with protection, a full year of schooling and trauma counseling.

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