Help refugees worldwide!

Help refugees worldwide!

Children and adults shouldn't face the hardships of fleeing their homes, worrying about food, or struggling to find safety for their families alone. Support now – Every life counts!


We are committed to helping all individuals suffering from war and conflict. No person on the run should stand alone.

DRC Danish Refugee Council

World Refugee Day: Every Life Counts

World Refugee Day: Every Life Counts

Never before have so many people been displaced worldwide.

More than 110 million children and adults are forced to flee due to war and disasters, no longer having a safe home or food on the table.

But behind every number, there is a person who deserves to be helped to a safe and dignified life.

Here’s how we provide life-saving assistance – every day, all year round:

  • Emergency aid
  • Food and water
  • Emergency shelter
  • Protection

Life-saving help that can mean the difference between life and death. Thank you for your support!