War and disasters

Crisis in Yemen

The war in Yemen has displaced millions of people and created a humanitarian, economic, and social crisis. Here's everything you need to know about the world's biggest humanitarian crisis.

The world's biggest humanitarian crisis right now is in Yemen.

The world's biggest humanitarian crisis right now is in Yemen.

Millions of people need help

Before the war in Yemen broke out in 2015, the country was already one of the poorest and most vulnerable countries in the world. Today, several years of war have led to catastrophic consequences for Yemen's civilians, and the country is now in a protracted humanitarian crisis.

Millions of people have been forced to flee their homes, and many Yemenis experience extreme food insecurity due to the country's broken economy, bureaucratic obstacles, and the ongoing civil war. In several parts of the country, people live on the verge of famine.

In addition, millions of people in Yemen lack access to clean drinking water and sanitation.

There is no prospect of lasting peace. And so Yemen will continue to be deeply tormented by:

Refugee situation in Yemen

In Yemen, as in all armed conflicts, it is the civilians who suffer most. Cities, homes, and essential infrastructure such as schools, hospitals and water supplies have been damaged or destroyed after years of fierce fighting.

Millions of people have been forced to flee their homes since the start of the conflict. They live in camps for internally displaced people, where help is urgently needed. These are often makeshift settlements where people are barely sheltered from the elements.

This means that those still living in displacement in Yemen are extremely vulnerable. At the same time, Yemen remains a part of the busiest migration route in the world. Here, refugees and migrants from the Horn of Africa cross through active frontlines of conflict.

Throughout the country, the need for emergency aid is acute and protection options are limited. Few Yemenis have real access to security and basic rights, and this is particularly true for those living in displacement.

Efforts for displaced people in Yemen

Danish Refugee Council has joined forces with NRC, ACTED, and IOM to improve the living conditions of 200,000 people in Yemen. By working together, we can better help the most vulnerable people in the country. (Video requires cookies)

Yemen is on the brink of famine

Hundreds of thousands of people in Yemen have lost their livelihoods. The country's economy is faltering, its currency is in free fall, and food prices have doubled since the start of the conflict.

Danish Refugee Council in Yemen

Danish Refugee Council has been present in Yemen since 2008. In 2015, we increased our presence and are today one of the largest international NGOs working in the country. In Yemen, Danish Refugee Council works to save lives and to strengthen displaced people. The goal is that they can build a better future for themselves and their country.

Life in Yemen before and after the war

What was Yemen like before the war?

"Six years have now passed since the war broke out. And by now everyone feels that the war is all they can remember. The blurred memories of the life we ​​once had remind us how much we have grown accustomed to the conflict.

Before the war, we all complained about the shortcomings we had in our everyday lives. If the electricity went out for a few hours during a day, we were terribly unhappy.

When fuel prices rose every few years, people expressed their frustration in demonstrations and riots. Even when the increases were less than 10 percent.

But when I think about it today, before the war broke out, we had security, peace, an acceptable level of education. And most had an income.

We had a feeling that we were moving towards a brighter future.

Things weren't perfect and there was always room for improvement. But compared to today, everything was much, much better.

Before the war, Yemen was a functioning, albeit stagnant, country.

The children went to school and the adults went to work. We had access to fuel, electricity to light every home, and inflation was not out of control.

Still, many Yemenis were hugely dissatisfied. They felt like they were in an endless struggle to get a better life."

How is life in Yemen today?

"When war came, all hope vanished. Death became an event we were all familiar with. Conflict became a normal state. Wages became a privilege. Candles became our sources of light. Schools became empty rooms without teachers, and peace became a common longing in all our hearts.

Today, fuel prices have tripled, but the exhausted souls of the Yemenis are tired of crying out. With all the destruction Yemen has suffered. Then it seems silly when we think about the problems we used to complain about before the war. But the tribulations of today should not make us long for the tribulations of the past. They should make us yearn for a better future.

Perhaps the rulers of Yemen have understood this. Perhaps they have understood that everything is relative. In any case, it is evident in our everyday life, and it is a phenomenon that we are constantly reminded of. When fuel prices suddenly explode, we long for the past. Back then, prices were still high, but it still seems like the least of the evils.

But our main concern is security, and after all, it is not the pre-war situation that I long for. The only way forward is to move towards a brighter future. But first the war must end."

- Aiman ​​Al Faqeeh, DRC Danish Refugee Council Yemen

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