War and disasters

Starvation crisis in the Horn of Africa

The Horn of Africa is suffering under a once-in-a-generation drought - the worst in 40 years. Thousands of children and adults have been driven to flee, searching for food and water. They need help to survive.

Millions of people are suffering from the widespread drought in the Horn of Africa.

Millions of people are suffering from the widespread drought in the Horn of Africa.

We are working to scale up our efforts to reach even more drought-stricken families. But the drought is worsening day by day. And the needs are so massive that they are outstripping our available resources to respond.

Audrey Crawford, DRC Danish Refugee Council Country Director in Somalia

Disaster costs lives: you can provide food and water for families

Disaster costs lives: you can provide food and water for families

The massive drought in the Horn of Africa has destroyed crops and dried up water sources. Vulnerable families watch their goats and cows starve to death, while they fear the same fate. 

DRC Danish Refugee Council is present in the Horn of Africa. In Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya, we provide comprehensive emergency aid, giving vulnerable families access to food, water, and medicine.

But we urgently need help to keep up with the dramatic developments!

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