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Danish Refugee Council
How we work
Women on the move
Children on the move
War and disasters
Life as a refugee
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Where We Work
Our Story
Annual Report 2023
Introducing DRC Home
DRC Danish Refugee Council
Learn about our operations and strategic framework.
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Bliv frivillig i Dansk Flygtningehjælp og gør en forskel for andre mennesker.
Rådgivning om integration for kommuner med mere.
Rådgivning om asyl i Danmark.
Pages about Jordan
On the front line: World Humanitarian Day
On World Humanitarian Day, we celebrate our colleagues working every day to deliver assistance in the field and tell their stories.
Exposure, Middle East, Yemen, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Türkiye
New year: The hopes and wishes of crisis-hit people across the region
As we welcome the new year, people affected by crises across the Middle East reflect back on 2022 and share their wishes for a better 2023.
Life as a Refugee, Yemen, Irak, Jordan