War and disasters
War and disasters force people to flee their homes every day. Danish Refugee Council stands ready to help all over the world.

War and disasters send thousands of people fleeing their homes every year.
War and disasters send thousands of people fleeing
Every year, war and disasters send thousands of people fleeing. Sadly, this happens all too often, and in all too many places around the world. But often we don't hear much about many of these conflicts.
No matter where or why these people and families are forced to flee their homes, they have one thing in common. They need help.
Families fleeing war and disaster often live in very vulnerable conditions. And they all need shelter, food, water, and medical care.
Read more about how you can help some of the world's most vulnerable people on the pages below:
Read more about war and disasters

Give emergency relief in Gaza

In the Fields, Outside of their Comfort Zone

Libya hit by severe floods

Climate refugees: A global crisis that requires immediate action

Families fleeing in Sudan: Understand why in 5 minutes

Explosive remnants of war

More than 2 years of war in Ukraine

Record drought threatens the lives of millions in the Horn of Africa

Hope in the midst of conflict

The deadly legacy of Yemen's forgotten conflict

Mine awareness and assistance in mine action day

Life interrupted: A story of heartbreak and anguish at every corner

Photo story: Somalia Drought Response

Crisis in Yemen