The number of people displaced by climate change is an urgent global challenge that requires immediate attention and effective solutions from the international community.
Danish Refugee Council is Denmark's largest NGO. We are also one of the world's leading organisations specialising in helping people on the move. We work for the world's refugees in 40 countries around the world.
Millions of people are on the move right now, and we know that displaced women are particularly vulnerable. Danish Refugee Council is there, ready to help women fleeing across the world.
Join the new online community based around people who care about people seeking refuge.
Now you can support the Danish Refugee Council with Bitcoin, Ethereum and other crypto currencies. Your support saves lives!
In 2023, the world reached a tragic milestone. The number of men, women and children who have been forced to leave their homes passed 110 million. In our 2023 annual report, you can read how together we have made a tangible difference for the world's refugees in 2023.
According to the latest UN estimate, there are more than 120 million people on the move right now. Unfortunately, things are going the wrong way in many parts of the world. The Danish Refugee Council works in 40 countries to help the world's refugees and displaced people.
On June 20th, we mark World Refugee Day to raise awareness of the millions of people forced to flee their homes due to war, disaster or persecution. On this day, we band together to show our support for the world's refugees and recognize their courage and strength in a difficult situation.
Danish Refugee Council was founded in 1956. We are Denmark's largest humanitarian NGO and one of the world's leading NGOs specialising in displacement.
Danish Refugee Council was founded in 1956. Since then, as wars and conflicts increased and the need for help grew, so did our organisation. Today, we are present in 40 countries around the world and are one of the world's leading humanitarian organisations specialising in refugees and displacement.