War and disasters

Climate refugees: A global crisis that requires immediate action

The number of people displaced by climate change is an urgent global challenge that requires immediate attention and effective solutions from the international community.

The number of climate refugees is steadily increasing Ed Ram/Getty Images

The number of climate refugees is steadily increasing Ed Ram/Getty Images

The number of climate refugees is steadily increasing

Climate refugees are people who have been forced to flee their homes as a result of climate change. Unlike other refugees who flee due to conflict or persecution, climate refugees flee because their natural environment has been destroyed by drought, floods or other natural disasters that make their homes uninhabitable.

More than 30 million people worldwide are suffering from climate change to the extent that they have had to flee their homes. These are children and adults who have lost their livelihoods and are now suffering from massive food insecurity and increased vulnerability to disease outbreaks.

And we've only seen the tip of the iceberg. The number of climate refugees is expected to increase significantly over the next few years. Therefore, the crisis demands immediate attention!

Climate change leads to a fight for resources

Climate change leads to a fight for resources

Climate change often occurs in areas populated by the world's most vulnerable groups, including refugees and displaced people, and it fuels preexisting conflicts.

When massive droughts dry up farm fields and kill an entire crop, or when floods wash everything away, it creates chaos for already impoverished communities that rely on agriculture and livestock for their livelihoods. Brutal fighting over scarce resources erupts and often ends up sending families fleeing - again.

DRC is committed to helping refugees and displaced people, including in areas affected by climate change. Our response includes providing access to food, water and shelter.

Climate refugees without refugee status

Climate refugees face enormous challenges when they leave their homes. They often lack the necessary resources and infrastructure to cope with the crisis and adapt to a new location. And they are further challenged by the fact that they do not have refugee status. 'Climate refugee' is not a legal term and this population group is not protected by the UN Refugee Convention.

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