Introducing DRC Home

Join the new online community based around people who care about people seeking refuge.

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Welcome to DRC Home

Welcome to an online space for a constructive discussion around displacement

Why DRC Home?

We bring together people who want to actively help refugees — to learn, share, and grow together so that we can change the narrative around displacement and help people who need it most.

Join DRC Home today

Another community?

The DRC has been working with displaced people around the world since the Hungarian refugee crisis of 1956. Today, we want to have a worldwide conversation with people who care about the same things we do, and who care about the ways displacement changes the world, for both those on the move and those safely at home.

We're inviting you to join us to learn, share, discuss and stand up for people in need.

This isn't a series of fundraising campaigns. It's an invitation to join an ongoing conversation about how we as a society see, think, and talk about displacement.

We’re not content to leave this important discussion to the media and the politicians. Migration is one of the defining issues of our time, and without people who have first-hand experience of displacement and their supporters, the global conversation is missing its most important voices.

Our promise to you

We want to learn with you. We promise to be respectful, curious, eager and honest. And to engage in a good-faith effort to move the conversations surrounding migration forward, in our work, in our homes, and in the public sphere.

Of course raising money is part of our work. It’s how we continue to implement our life-saving efforts around the globe. But we'd like to open the floor, so that you can help us understand what the best way of doing that is, and what donations mean to you.

So we invite you to take a seat at the table for a thoughtful, challenging, and respectful discussion of one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today.

Join DRC Home today

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